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Position information There are positions in total
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  • Weaving Engineer
  • artisan
  • Suzhou, Jiangsu
  • some
  • 6000+
  • 2022.12.01

Operating Duty:

-More than 5 years of R & D experience in related fields and more than 8 years of management experience in dyeing and finishing industry;
-Familiar with new product development and production at home and abroad, experience in completing R & D projects independently is preferred;
-Strong team management ability, judgment and decision-making ability, communication ability, planning and execution ability;
-Strong sense of responsibility, dedication, honesty and integrity, strong principle.

Job Requirements:

-Participate in the identification of scientific and technological achievements, project application, promotion and application;
-According to the new frontier information of the dyeing and finishing industry, lead and organize the development of new dyeing processes, and lead technicians to carry out special technology research and development and tackle key problems;
-Carry out small sample testing machine and pilot test for the key test tasks assigned by the dyeing technology department;
-Cooperate with the development department to formulate the dyeing process of new webbing products, pilot test and guidance;

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